Friday 2 June 2017

Donald Trump betrays all life on Earth

June 1st 2017 is a day to remember.

It's the day that Donald Trump sold out everyone, and I mean everyone, whether they support him or not, on the planet. 

He sold out you, he sold out your kids, and he sold out your grandkids, even the as yet unborn ones. 
He sold out the wildlife and he sold out the plants. Not one person or living form is unaffected.

He told us all - I don't give a toss about you, your future and the future of this planet. I just care about the here and now and I have no concern about wrecking this World for everyone.

How a supposedly intelligent human being can ignore the overwhelming evidence from all over the globe that the climate is changing, how he can ignore the melting glaciers, the rivers drying up, the encroaching deserts, the bleaching corals, the disappearing polar ice shelves the droughts and the storms, is beyond comprehension.

And how a supposedly intelligent population can be so blinkered and insular and self centred and ignorant in their view of the World and be taken in by him enough to vote him President of the United States of America simply beggars belief.

They have taken their country a giant step backwards, reverting to a mentality of 'I'm all right Jack so stuff you'. They have damaged the credibility and stature of the US and voted for all that is wrong in human nature.

I could weep for the blow he has delivered to this beautiful planet on this day.

I can only hope that sanity prevails soon and he is ousted before the damage is irreparable and catastrophe befalls us all. 

Take a look at Mars everyone.

 Ngorongoro Crater - Earth
 Gale Crater - Mars

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